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CLICK HERE for KC's famous #BBQBible!


Devan’s Dozen: Donut Edition
Devan's Dozen Devan Dignan Devan's Dozen Devan Dignan

Devan’s Dozen: Donut Edition

Donuts are a heap of wistfulness, deep fried in nostalgia, and glazed with childlike innocence. They have a way of transcending time and space to transport a person unlike any other food. There’s just something about donuts that makes everyone a kid again. And everyone has their favorite types and flavors. After over a decade of searching for the city’s best donuts, I decided to finally do a Devan’s Dozen for that food which a dozen comes most natural. These are KC’s best local donut shops.

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Head for the Hill
Better Know A DistriKCt Devan Dignan Better Know A DistriKCt Devan Dignan

Head for the Hill

A few years ago, when I proposed a Monopoly board layout for KC and included Strawberry Hill, a friend asked, “What’s a Strawberry Hill”. This vibrant Slavic and Latin American community in KCK has a rich history and is full of fantastic spots but even those who may have been to one or two spots have never dug in. Hopefully this highlight reel of Strawberry Hill favorites changes that.

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Everything but the Bread
Fountain City Foodie Devan Dignan Fountain City Foodie Devan Dignan

Everything but the Bread

Every year thousands travel to Kansas City to try the best that the World Capital of Barbeque has to offer. With over a hundred spots to choose from, locals and travels alike visit a number of barbeque restaurants, joints, stands, trucks, and pop-ups, and enjoy a variety of sauces, sides, and smoked meats. Regardless of where they choose to eat or what they order, nearly every single sandwich and tray in the city is united by a common thread. Everyone in KC seems to know it, but nobody really acknowledges KCQ’s best supporting actor.

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