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FCS: Best of 2024
Fountain City Superlatives Devan Dignan Fountain City Superlatives Devan Dignan

FCS: Best of 2024

No matter how aware I am of it, this exact article sneaking up on me is becoming a bit of an annual tradition. I am always thankful for this time to reflect on the year that was. So as I recount the “Best of 2024”, and the “Biggest Loss” of the year, it is important to remember that the places named within were not necessarily the very best in KC of a given category or that they were brand new, they were just the best of things that were brand new to me. That distinction is always important.

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Devan’s (Half) Dozen: Ted Lasso Edition
Devan's Dozen Devan Dignan Devan's Dozen Devan Dignan

Devan’s (Half) Dozen: Ted Lasso Edition

Last week, millions around the world said a bittersweet farewell to Ted Lasso and Premier League club AFC Richmond. Here in Kansas City, the finale hit especially hard as over the past three years, Ted became one of this city’s favorite sons. Given the love that Lasso always showed to his hometown, this edition of Devan’s (Half) Dozen ranks the best Kansas City / Kansas references from the show’s run.

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Devan’s Dozen: Heartland Edition
Devan's Dozen Devan Dignan Devan's Dozen Devan Dignan

Devan’s Dozen: Heartland Edition

Similar to the worldwide sensation, the Cow Parade, that came to our city 20 years ago, the Parade of Hearts is a public art installation of 154 fiberglass “KC hearts” by 123 local artists spread throughout the Metro until the end of May. If you don’t have time to see all 154, no worries! These are the 12 you must be sure to visit!

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Soapbox Devan Dignan Soapbox Devan Dignan


Today, nearly two dozen delegates from FIFA are conducting their site visit of Kansas City culminating in attending the US Women’s National Team vs. Korea at Children’s Mercy Park. This city, and our amazing #kc2026 bid committee, have worked tirelessly to get us to this point. But now, in the homestretch, we need our most valuable resource and the thing that makes the Soccer Capital of America so special - our people.

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Sing The Queen City
#nomaDD Devan Dignan #nomaDD Devan Dignan

Sing The Queen City

In the aftermath of COVID-19, I could not wait to travel again! As a baseball fan with the obvious goal of visiting every Major League Baseball stadium, one had always evaded me - Great American Ballpark, home of the Cincinnati Reds. Prepared to fly for the first time in 16 months, I had no doubts where my first trip would be. While I came for the baseball and chili, I found in the Queen City an absolute gem of a city that more people should be talking about.

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